1. Write sentences (present continuous: ING form) about an activity (action) which each character is doing during the film.
a) Dr. Richard
b) Ellen
c) Frank Estercot
d) Agnes
2. Describe the appearance of 3 characters using all adjectives we've learned.(including hair color, eyes color, etc)
3. What are they wearing?
a) Angela (Ellen's mother)
b) Mitchel (Richard's brother)
c) Doug (Richard's foster-father)
4. What are your feelings about the movie? (say a few words)
a) Dr. Richard
b) Ellen
c) Frank Estercot
d) Agnes
2. Describe the appearance of 3 characters using all adjectives we've learned.(including hair color, eyes color, etc)
3. What are they wearing?
a) Angela (Ellen's mother)
b) Mitchel (Richard's brother)
c) Doug (Richard's foster-father)
4. What are your feelings about the movie? (say a few words)